Kita sudah mempelajari langkah sederhana menerjemah. Sekarang kita coba menerjemahkan teks maritim bidang listrik dan bidang lainnya.
Listrik di Kapal
Sebelumnya mari kita pahami. Listrik di kapal dihasilkan oleh generator, merupakan bagian penting operasional kapal. Daya yang dihasilkan digunakan untuk mensupply kebutuhan listrik antara lain:- pompa-pompa
- motor pesawat bantu
- pesawat angkat
- perlengkapan radio dan navigasi
- penerangan
Teks Listrik
Latihan 1The resistance of copper is so small that the loss of volts is unimportant in wires of the diameters and lengths that are used for leading the electric current to the different part of a ship, unless the current becomes too great.
Baca kalimat atau paragraf beberapa kali untuk mendapatkan gambaran umum tentang isi teks. The resitance of copper | is | small | so that | the lost of volts | is | unimportant | in wires of the diameter and lengths | that are used | for leading | the electric current | to the different part of a ship | unless | the current | becomes | too great.|
Menangkap pesan
The resistance of copper = resistan tembaga
is = adalah
small = kecil
so that = sehingga
the lost of volts = hilangnya tegangan
unimportant = tidak penting
(in wires of the diameter and lengths //that are used //for leading the electric current //to different part of a ship)
unless = hanya jika/kecuali
the current = arus
becomes = menjadi
too great = terlalu besar
Susun terjemahan
Resistan kawat tembaga adalah kecil sehingga hilangnya tegangan (pada penampang dan panjang kawat //yang digunakan | untuk menghantar arus listrik | ke berbagai titik beban di kapal) tidak penting, kecuali jika arus menjadi terlalu besar. |
Perbaiki terjemahan
Tahanan kawat tembaga kecil nilainya sehingga tegangan yang hilang pada kawat yang digunakan untuk menghantar arus listrik ke berbagai titik beban di kapal diabaikan, kecuali jika terjadi lonjakan arus yang besar. Tahanan kawat tembaga kecil nilainya sehingga tegangan yang hilang pada kawat penghantar yang menghantarkan arus listrik ke berbagai titik beban di kapal diabaikan, kecuali jika terjadi lonjakan arus yang besar.
Latihan 2
Such a thing might happen if the lead and the return from the main supply touched each other anywhere. Then the whole potensial difference of the supply would send a very great current through the wires as there would be only small resistance of the copper wire opposing it. All the wire woud get red-hot with such a current and fire would be caused.
Baca beberapa kali.
Such a thing | might happen | if | the lead and the return from the main supply | touched each other | anywhere. | Then | the whole potential difference of the supply | would send | a very great current | through | the wires | as | there would be | only small resistance of the copper wire | opposing it. | All the wire | would get | red hot | with such a current and fire | would be caused. |
Menangkap pesan
Such a thing = Yang demikian itu
might happen = dapat terjadi
if = jika
the lead and the return from the main supply = kawat keluar dan masuk dari supply utama touched each other anywhere = saling bersentuhan
Then = Kemudian
the whole potensial difference of the supply = seluruh perbedaan potensial supply
would send = akan mengirimkan
a very great current = arus sangat besar